ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 3, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 41 10
e-mail: wpia@umk.pl


dr hab. Henryk Nowicki, NCU Prof.
University Professor
Department of Environmental and Public Economic Law

room no: 192, Coll. Iuridicum Novum, W. Bojarskiego 3, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48-56-611-4072
e-mail: nowicki@umk.pl
ORCID: 0000-0003-0392-2433

Public economic law, regulation of economic activity, municipal economy, public procurement law, in-house procurement, rules and customs of public procurement, public-private partnership, concession contract for construction works or services, public administration control, public procurement control.

Office Hours:
Dyżury w semestrze zimowym, rok akademicki 2023/2024:

Czwartek - godz. 11.30-12.30.

Dyżur dla Studentów niestacjonarnych:

23.03.2024 godz. 13.00-14.00;

25.05.2024 godz. 13.00-14.00.

See profile in Research Portal