ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 3, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 41 10
e-mail: wpia@umk.pl

Scientific Journals

The Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University currently publishes seven of its own scientific journals, both in Polish and other congress languages (mainly English, German, and Italian). The most important general periodical of the Faculty is Studia Iuridica Toruniensia. The oldest departmental periodicals also include Toruń Polish-Italian Studies (Studi polacco-Italiani di Toruń) and the Comparative Law Review. Other publications produced in English also include the Toruń Tax Yearbook, the Review of Environmental Protection Law, and the yearly entitled Polish Yearbook of Environmental Law. In recent years, the publishing offer of the Faculty has been enriched by the journal Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu (The Budget Law of the State and Local Governments).

All journals affiliated with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń are on the list of journals ranked by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education:

Toruń Polish-Italian studies/Studi polacco-italiani di Toruń – 20 points

Studia Iuridica Toruniensia – 20 points

Comparative Law Review – 20 points

Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu – 20 points

Toruń Tax Yearbook – 5 points

The Polish-Italian Studies in Toruń (Studi polacco-italiani di Toruń) was established 30 years ago after Polish-Italian scientific relations became so extensive that prof. Maria Jaczynowska and prof. Andrzej Tomcza came up with the idea of establishing a scientific journal gathering Polish researchers dealing with Italian issues as well as Italian scholars interested in cooperation with Polish scientists. In 1986 the first volume of the Polish-Italian Studies was published, edited by prof. A. Tomczak, and served as a precursor for the intensively developed cooperation between the Nicolaus Copernicus University and the universities in Padua and Ferrara. However, historians did not follow up on this. The decision to resume publication of the magazine, which had not yet appeared periodically, was made on the initiative of philologists led by the unforgettable late Dr Jan Bełkot and with prof. Zbigniew Witkowski at the forefront of the group of lawyers. The magazine was published non-periodically from 1992 to 1994 and again in 2005; however, since its fifth volume in 2009 the magazine has been systematically published once a year. In 2012, the magazine obtained two points, in 2013 five points, and in December 2015 its ranking score of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education almost doubled to nine points, thus becoming the leading journal at the Faculty of Law and Administration. The magazine is currently interdisciplinary and, apart from legal and historical issues, has a section devoted to Italian literary studies and linguistics. Since 2005, the editor-in-chief of the Studies has been prof. Z. Witkowski, and his deputy prof. C. Bronowski. The editorial team includes professors F. Adornato (Macerata), G. C. De Martin (Rome), and – among many other influential Polish scholars – prof. Hanna Suchocka (AMU, Poznań). The scientific secretaries of the journal are Dr hab. Katarzyna Witkowska-Chrzczonowicz, NCU prof., and Maciej Serowaniec PhD.

Studia Iuridica Toruniensia is a scientific undertaking carried out by employees of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. It refers to the tradition of the Scientific Journal of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Law – published since 1961 Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Humanities and Social Sciences. Law. Currently, it concentrates on publications of articles, studies, glosses and reviews on Polish, international and comparative law. The journal invites Polish and foreign authors to publish texts on current and significant legal issues, legislative changes, as well as theoretical concepts in legal sciences. The editorial board consists of: Dr hab. Andrzej Gaca, prof. UMK (editor-in-chief); Dr hab. Monika Wałachowska (deputy editor-in-chief); Piotr Chrzczonowicz PhD; Dr hab. Krzysztof Lasiński-Sulecki, NCU prof.; Dr hab. Zbigniew Naworski, NCU prof.; Dr hab. Jan Piątkowski; Dorota Sylwestrzak PhD; Katarzyna Krupa-Lipińska PhD (editorial secretary); and Krzysztof Kucharski, MA (editorial secretary).

The Comparative Law Review is a peer-reviewed scientific journal in the field of legal sciences, published at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń since 1989. The journal is an international and interdisciplinary periodical in the field of comparative law. Law is a multifaceted social phenomenon that should be studied from the comparative point of view, not only at the logical and linguistic level but also at the historical, sociological or economic level, and if necessary at other levels. The editorial board includes: Dr hab. Michał Balcerzak, prof. UMK (editor-in-chief); prof. Dr hab. Jan Galster; prof. Dr hab. Bożena Gronowska; Dr hab. Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka; Dr hab. Jerzy Lachowski, prof. UMK; Dr hab. Katarzyna Witkowska-Chrzczonowicz, NCU prof.; Daria Gęsicka PhD (editorial secretary); and Julia Kapelańska-Pręgowska PhD (editorial secretary).

The State and Local Government Budget Law (Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu) is a scientific journal devoted to the legal aspects of the state budget, the European Union budget, and the budgets of local government units. This issue is constantly gaining in importance, which has prompted the intensification of research and legal and budget studies. The journal’s results, published quarterly, may turn out to be interesting not only for representatives of the academic community but also employees of state and local administration, control and supervision bodies, judges, legal advisers, and all persons obliged to understand and apply the provisions of budget law. The editorial board includes: Dr hab. Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski, NCU prof. (editor-in-chief); Dr Małgorzata Cilak (deputy editor-in-chief); Dr Krzysztof Czarnecki (editorial secretary); Dr Piotr Sadowski (editorial secretary); Dr hab. Agnieszka Bień-Kacała, NCU prof.; Dr hab. Wojciech Morawski, NCU prof.; Dr hab. Henryk Nowicki; and Dr hab. Piotr Rączka.

Toruński Rocznik Podatkowy (The Toruń Tax Yearbook) is a scientific journal devoted to tax law, published by the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in cooperation with the Department of Public Finance Law. It is published only in electronic form on an annual basis. It focuses on issues of fundamental importance for the application of tax law, and the analysis is carried out using scientific research tools and is conducted from a scientific perspective rather than a utilitarian one. Materials on current problems of tax law remain in the minority, whereas the methods used to present current issues and select them mean that the presented theses and cognitive values of the papers are up to date in the long term. The Editorial team consists of: Dr hab. Agnieszka Olesińska, prof. UMK (editor-in-chief), Dr Ewa Prejs (secretary of the editorial office).