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„Comparative Law Review” - Call for papers 2019 (volume 25)

Zdjęcie ilustracyjne

„Comparative Law Review” (ISSN 0866-9449) („CLR”) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed international journal published by the Faculty of Law and Administration at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland) since 1989 (with some intervals). The scope of „CLR” includes both private and public law, with particular focus on comparative studies. The Editors encourage authors to submit articles and shorter notes that are interdisciplinary in nature and/or analyse a legal problem from a comparative perspective. We particularly welcome proposals elaborating on how the comparative method is applied in domestic and international law-making and jurisprudence. Consequently, we invite original contributions on public international law and EU law. By the same token, we welcome papers dealing with all fields of domestic law, legal theory and philosophy, as well as history of law.

The journal is published in both print and online versions. It is a fully open access journal, thus the articles published in CLR are easily searchable on the Internet (via Google Scholar, BASE, etc.). There are no charges for article processing, article submission or open-access policy for the authors or their institutions.  

The journal is now indexed with and included in Index Copernicus Journals Master List as well as in ERIH PLUS and CEEOL.  

CLR” publishes articles, essays, shorter notes, case notes, commentaries, case studies and book reviews. We welcome contributions in English and – after consultation with the Editors – in German or French (editorial instructions for Contributors are available at http://apcz.umk.pl/czasopisma/index.php/CLR --> Author Guidelines).

Since 2017CLR is yearbook: vol. 23 of the journal was published in December 2017 and the current volume (no. 24) in January 2019.

The deadline for submissions for vol. 25 of CLR is June 30th 2019.

For additional information, please visit the journal’s website: www.comparativelawreview.umk.pl

or contact the Editors: comparativelawreview@umk.pl

Prof. Michał Balcerzak (michal.balcerzak@umk.pl), Editor-in-chief

Dr Julia Kapelańska-Pręgowska (jkapre@umk.pl)

Dr Daria Gęsicka (dgesicka@umk.pl)



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